DIY Homemade Bath Crayons

DIY Homemade Bath Crayons


Step 1:

Gather supplies – bars of soap (one bar for each color), food coloring, cheese grader, cups, and spoons.

Step 2:

Use the grader to grade the soap. Place the shredded soap of one bar into a microwave safe cup.

Step 3:

Then use the microwave, 10 seconds at a time, to melt/make the shavings soft.

Step 4:

Add food coloring and mix well.

Step 5:

Press into molds or form bricks/cakes  in a cake or sheet pan.

Repeat steps 2 – 5 for each color

Step 6:

Allow to cool completely. I normally wait overnight to make sure that the soap has reset. However, they are normally cooled in an hour. ENJOY!





Hidden Bigfoots Research Lab