How to Flash Freeze Bacon for Easy Storage and Frying

How to Flash Freeze Bacon for Easy Storage and Frying

Flash Frozen Bacon 07Step 1:

Gather Supplies – A flat surface that fits in the freezer, such as a cookie sheet, cutting board or plate. I used a Pyrex cutting board. I have mine pre-chilled but it is not a must. And Bacon.

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Step 2:

Place a single layer of bacon onto the flat surface.

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Step 3:

Place into freezer for an hour or until frozen.

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Step 4:

Remove from freezer after completely frozen.

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Step 5:

Carefully take bacon off of the flat surface. The bacon may have become slightly stuck to the surface.

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Step 6:

Once the bacon has been removed from the flat surface place in a labeled freezer bag.

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Now whenever you need bacon, whether it be just one piece or a whole bunch, it is easily on hand. ENJOY!

Hidden Bigfoots Research Lab